Brief description, 4-cyl

Brief description, 4-cyl

The engine has completely sealed crankcase ventilation. Crankcase gases are led via the nipple in the camshaft cover to the hose between the mass air flow sensor and the turbocharger, where they are blended with intake air and then burned up in the engine.

A catalytic converter is used to reduce exhaust emissions. It can oxidise carbon hydroxide (C n H m ) and carbon monoxide (CO) to carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and water (H 2 O). The catalytic converter can also contribute to partial oxidation of particles that are formed in exhausts from diesel engines.

The engine is equipped with a water-cooled, electronically controlled EGR valve that leads some of the engine emissions back to the intake manifold. Emissions lower the temperature in the combustion chamber, thereby reducing the formation of nitric oxides. The EGR valve is equipped with its own processor, which knows at every moment how much ventilation is open. This leads to very short reaction time when the PSG16 control unit sends a request for a specific EGR condition. This also means that changes to the valve's opening position occur quickly, all to keep combustion temperature as low as possible.