Tech 2 menu structure

Tech 2 menu structure


Regardless of the control module selected in the Tech 2 menu, the Tech 2 will first contact the DICE to check that all control modules connected to a bus are communicating correctly. A warning is given by the Tech 2 in the event of a fault. The Tech 2 can detect the following faults:

1. No communication with the DICE.

2. No communication with one or more control modules connected to a bus.

3. No communication with the SRS (Airbag) or ABS.

1 No communication with the DICE.

If the Tech 2 cannot contact the DICE, neither can it check that the control modules connected to a bus are communicating correctly. The fault is probably because the DICE is not supplied with current or the diagnostics cable is not connected to the DICE (pin 7 of the data link connector and pin 28 of the DICE). The following menu will appear on the Tech 2:

DICE (Dashboard ICE)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NO CONTACT WITH ANY BUS SYSTEM CAUSE No communication with DICE DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE Check the selected car model Turn the ignition key to ON Press <ENTER> and try again If there the trouble persists: See fault diagnosis ‘No contact with any bus system’ in Service Manual 3:5 ‘Bus and diagnostics communication’.

If <ENTER> is pressed, the Tech 2 will again try to contact the DICE. If the <EXIT> key is pressed, the Tech 2 will try to contact the selected control module (the reason for this is that it should be possible to contact the SRS (Airbag) or ABS even if the DICE is not present).

2 No communication with one or more control modules connected to a bus

If the Tech 2 is in communication with the DICE but one or more control modules connected to a bus are missing, the following menu will appear on the Tech 2:

Checking bus communication

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NO CONTACT WITH ONE OR MORE BUS SYSTEMS CAUSE One or more control modules are not communicating on the bus DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURE Press <OK> to show missing control module(s) See fault diagnosis by fault systems ‘No contact with one or more bus systems’ in Service Manual 3:5 ‘Bus and diagnostics communication’.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


If <OK> is pressed, a list of the control modules fitted as original equipment on the car will be displayed. “OK” is shown on the right of each control module if it is communicating correctly and “Missing” if the control module is missing from the bus.

Bus configuration

Instrument bus

TWICE (Theft Warning ICE)


SID (SAAB Information Display)


MIU (Main Instrument Unit)


Audio system


ACC (Automatic Climate Control)


CD Changer



Regardless of whether <ENTER> or <EXIT> is pressed, the Tech 2 will try to communicate with the selected control module. If the Tech 2 cannot contact the selected control module, the following menu will appear:

MIU (Main Instrument Unit)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NO COMMUNICATION WITH VEHICLE Check selected car model Press <ENTER> to try again Press <EXIT> to end If the trouble persists: See fault diagnosis by fault symptoms ‘No communication with vehicle’ in Service Manual 3:5 ‘Bus and diagnostics communication’.

3 No communication with the SRS (Airbag) or ABS

The fault is probably because the Airbag or ABS control module is not supplied with current or the diagnostics cable is not connected to the control module. If the Tech 2 cannot contact the Airbag or ABS, the following menu will appear:


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

NO COMMUNICATION WITH VEHICLE Check selected car model Press <ENTER> to try again Press <EXIT> to end If the trouble persists: See fault diagnosis by fault symptoms ‘No communication with vehicle’ in Service Manual 3:5 ‘Bus and diagnostics communication’.

Changing car configuration

If a new control module connected to a bus is installed in the car, the list will be filled in automatically.

If a control module connected to a bus, such as the CD changer, is removed from the car, the list can be reset to zero with a command under “All systems/Read/Clear Configuration” or “DICE/Read/Clear Configuration”.

Bus configuration

Instrument bus

TWICE (Theft Warning ICE)


SID (SAAB Information Display)


MIU (Main Instrument Unit)


Audio system


ACC (Automatic Climate Control)


CD Changer


