Brief description
Brief description |
All hydrocarbons that evaporate while refuelling must be dealt with by the car and not emitted to the surroundings. Max. 0.2 g hydrocarbon/gallon fuel is allowed to leak out while refuelling 15-38 litres (4-10 gallons) fuel/min. It should be possible to fill the tank at 15-38 litres (4-10 gallons) fuel/min up to 95% of the total capacity without the pump nozzle shutting off prematurely so that topping up is required.
A leak corresponding to a hole larger than 0.5mm (0.020”) in diameter must be detected by the fuel evaporation system.
System description
Fuel is filled through the fuel filler pipe and passes through the check valve down to the tank. The fuel filler pipe acts as an ejector. Fuel flowing down into the tank is accompanied by air from outside and prevents fuel vapour from being emitted to the surroundings via the opening in the fuel filler pipe. The fuel being filled forces out the gaseous hydrocarbons and the air being drawn down into the tank through the float valve into the EVAP emission canister. The hydrocarbons are absorbed in the emission canister and the air is let out through the shut-off valve.At a certain level (approx. 95%), the float valve shuts and the pressure in the tank increases. The fuel now rises in the filler pipe and shuts off the pump nozzle when it reaches it. The check valve in the filler pipe prevents ”back-spit” when the nozzle is shut off.
The positive pressure remaining in the tank passes slowly through the roll-over valve in the emission canister. As the positive pressure in the tank drops, the fuel will be emptied from the filler pipe.
When the engine starts, the emission canister is gradually purged by air being drawn into it via the shut-off valve. Hydrocarbon/air mixture passes through the EVAP canister purge valve into the engine and is ignited.
There are three different emission requirements from M01:
1. OBD II LEV for US/CA. Full ORVR with tank integrity diagnosis, fuel vapour recycling and CHECK ENGINE lamp on for emission-related faults.
2. E-OBD, EC2000 for EU/NO/CH. With a reduced version of ORVR with fuel vapour recycling but without tank integrity diagnosis, which means that cars with this version do not have a shut-off valve or tank pressure sensor. CHECK ENGINE lamp on only in certain cases.
3. L-OBD for other markets. L-OBD is identical to E-OBD with the exception of the CHECK ENGINE lamp, which does not come on for emission-related faults.
The EVAP canister is located on top of the fuel tank on cars with full ORVR and ORVR without tank integrity diagnosis. It is located under the front right wing on cars without vapour recycling.
Filler pipe
Without vapour recycling
With vapour recycling. Without EVAP diagnosis
With vapour recycling and EVAP diagnosis
Fuel tank
Without vapour recycling
With vapour recycling. Without EVAP diagnosis
With vapour recycling and EVAP diagnosis
EVAP canister
Without vapour recycling
With vapour recycling