Fuel rail with injectors, 4 cyl.

Fuel rail with injectors, 4 cyl.


Removal of the fuel rail involves partial dismantling of the car's fuel system. The following points must therefore be observed in connection with this work:

Make sure a class BE fire extinguisher is close to hand! Consider the risk of sparking, e.g. when breaking circuits, short-circuits etc.

Absolutely No Smoking!

Ensure that there is a good exchange of air. If approved ventilation for the extraction of fuel fumes is available, this should be used.

Wear protective gloves! Prolonged exposure of the hands to fuel can cause irritation to the skin.

Wear protective goggles.

To remove


Great cleanliness must be observed when working on the fuel rail and injectors. Clean the injectors, fuel-injection rail and intake manifold. Blow clean with compressed air.

1. Remove the engine cover by undoing on snap fastener at a time, starting at the oil filler cap.

2. Remove fuse 19 with the engine running. Turn the ignition key to OFF when the engine has stopped. Put back the fuse.

3. Detach the crankcase ventilation hose.

4. Take out the dipstick with oil filler pipe end and plug the pipe.

5. Remove the cover over the throttle disc. Detach the throttle cable from the throttle spindle. Remove the throttle cable with holder and put it to one side.

6. Undo the turbocharger delivery pipe retaining screw in the cylinder head.

7. Undo the hose clips and turn the hose elbow upwards.

8. Slacken the upper front bolt of the wiring holder.

9. Remove the rear bolt.

10. Lift up the wiring holder and bend it rearwards.

11. Unplug the following connectors: ignition discharge module, injectors, manifold absolute pressure sensor, boost pressure control valve and turbo pressure sensor.

12. Disconnect the wiring and bend it aside. The rail has 2 cable ties and there are 3 clips on the crankcase ventilation pipe.


Lubricate the injector O-rings with acid-free petroleum jelly before fitting. Make sure that the injectors are properly pressed in, ensuring they bottom in the fuel rail.

The injectors must be fitted with the connector pointing upwards.

13. Clean the area round the injectors with compressed air.

14. Remove the 2 fuel rail retaining bolts.

15. Disconnect the pressure regulator vacuum hose.

16. Carefully prise loose the rail using 2 pry bars or similar tools.

17. Carefully lift up the fuel rail and place it to one side.

18. Plug the nozzle orifices.

To fit


Make sure the correct connector is plugged onto the correct valve as indicated by the markings on the cables.

1. Fit the new injectors. Press the injector clips into place.


Lubricate the injector O-rings with acid-free petroleum jelly before fitting and check that the injectors are pressed all the way home in the fuel rail. Make sure they are fitted with the connectors straight up.

2. Remove the plugs from the nozzle orifices in the cylinder head.

3. Carefully fit the fuel rail.

4. Tighten the 2 fuel rail retaining bolts.

5. Connect the pressure regulator vacuum hose.

6. Connect the fuel lines.

7. Lay out and secure the wiring with 2 cable ties on the fuel rail and 3 clips on the crankcase ventilation pipe.

8. Connect the injectors, manifold absolute pressure sensor, boost pressure control valve and turbo pressure sensor.


Spray the connectors with Kontakt 61, part no. 30 04 520, before connecting them.

Make sure that each connector is connected to the right injector. The cables are marked.

9. Position the wiring holder and tighten the retaining screws.

10. Fit the turbocharger delivery pipe and tighten the screws on the hose clamps.

11. Position the throttle cable with holder, and fit the throttle cable.

12. Fit the cover over the throttle disc.

13. Remove the plug and fit the dipstick with filler pipe.

14. Connect the hose for crankcase ventilation.

15. Fit the upper engine cover.