Control module outputs, bus

Control module outputs, bus

Cars with petrol engine

Cars with V6 diesel engine.

Cars with 4-cyl diesel engine.

Info Disp lamp (on/off) is used by MIU (540)

Unit (°C/°F) is used by ACC (216)

Language (Swedish, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish) is used by ACC (216)

Steering wheel control is used by Audio (353)

Rheostat level (%) is used by Audio (353), ACC (216), DICE (632), MIU (540)

Rheostat Night Panel (%) is used by Audio (353), ACC (216), DICE (632), MIU (540)

Clear (on/off) used by SPA (630)

Night Panel (on/off) is used by Audio (353), ACC (216), DICE (628), MIU (540)

Display lighting (%) is used by Audio (353), ACC (216), DICE (628), MIU (540)

Cabin light intensity (Lux) is used by MIU (540)

Time Engine Off (Min) is used by ACC (216)

Exterior temperature (°C/°F) used by ACC (216), TWICE (632), DICE (628), PSG16 (595)

Washer fluid level low (ON/OFF) is used by DICE (628)

Glass breakage sensor (ON/OFF) used by TWICE (632).

Diagnostics communication