Piston rings

Piston rings

Fitting in a new or rebored cylinder

1. Push the piston rings down into the cylinder one by one, using a piston to position them correctly.

2. Measure the ring gap using a feeler gauge, see illustration. If necessary, the gap can be increased with a special file. Regarding measurements, see Pistons

Matching in worn cylinder bore

1. Insert the piston rings one by one into the cylinder bore all the way down to the lower dead centre, where the cylinder diameter is the smallest. Use a piston to obtain the correct ring position.

2. Measure the ring gap using a feeler gauge, see illustration. If necessary, the gap can be increased with a special file. Regarding measurements, see Pistons .

Fitting piston rings on piston

1. Clean the piston ring grooves in the piston with an old piston ring.

2. Check the piston ring clearance in their respective grooves in the piston. Regarding measurements, see Pistons .

3. Use a pair of piston ring pliers when fitting rings on the piston, see illustration. The lower compression ring must have the side marked "TOP" face up.

4. Rotate the piston rings so that the gaps are offset 120° to each other, see illustration.