Rear seat backrest upholstery, 4D

Rear seat backrest upholstery, 4D

To remove

1. Remove the backrest from the car, see .

2. Remove the hinge plates, 2 x for the 40% backrest and 1 x for the 60% backrest.

3. Release the upholstery strips along the edge and around the catches.

On the 60% backrest, release the upholstery strips around the load hatch.

4. Detach the foam cushion reinforcing plate from the back plate and lift it out.

5. Cut the staples securing the seat upholstery to the foam cushion.

6. Remove the seat upholstery.

To fit

1. Fit the upholstery to the backrest foam cushion.

2. Fit the staples using the pliers in fitting kit 84 71 062.

3. Roll the upholstery over the edges of the foam cushion and turn it over.

4. Lay the back plate in place and fit the catches.

5. Fit the foam cushion reinforcing plate to the back plate and replace the upholstery strips along the edge.

On the 60% backrest, replace the upholstery strips around the load hatch.

6. Replace the hinge plates.

7. Replace the backrest in the car, see .