
Read the instructions below then start the fault diagnostic procedure.

Symptom: If a fuse is missing, then SID and MIU are “black” and Trionic is shown as being a fused unit. Communication for diagnostics is still possible, however, even though a fuse is missing.


+15 missing when +54 is on

Fault symptoms

If a fuse is missing, then SID and MIU are “black” and Trionic is shown as being a fused unit. Communication for diagnostics is still possible, however, even though a fuse is missing.


+15 missing when +54 is on

Diagnostic help

+15 can be read with scan tool.

Check wiring harness.

Jiggle the wiring harness at several points and in different directions to reveal intermittent breaks and short-circuits in the leads. Observe the multimeter, test lamp or diagnostic instrument during the test.