Solenoid valve, shut-off valve, heat exchanger

Solenoid valve, shut-off valve, heat exchanger

The climate system is equipped with a vacuum controlled shut-off valve for the heat exchanger. The aim is to prevent coolant circulating in the heat exchanger when necessary so that maximum cooling efficiency can be achieved. The control module controls a solenoid valve that in turn controls the shut-off valve.

The solenoid valve is supplied from +54 via fuse 31 and is controlled on the ground side from the ACC unit's K1 pin 14.

When the control module grounds the output the solenoid valve opens and releases a vacuum to the shut-off valve which in turn shuts off coolant supply.

The control module closes the shut-off valve if the required blended-air temperature is below approximately 6°C for both zones (both zones must be cooled down considerably).


In the event of open circuit or short circuit diagnostic trouble code B2375 is generated.