Draining the fuel filter

Draining the fuel filter


Removal of the fuel filter involves partial dismantling of the car's fuel system. The following points must therefore be observed in connection with this work:

Work only in a well-ventilated area! If approved equipment for the extraction of fuel vapours is available, be sure to use it.

Wear suitable gloves! Prolonged contact with fuel can cause skin irritation or dermatitis.

Keep a class BE fire extinguisher near at hand! Be mindful of the danger of sparks caused by short circuits and when connecting and disconnecting leads in electrical circuits.

No smoking anywhere in the vicinity.


Maintain a very high level of cleanliness when working with the fuel system. Even very small particles can cause malfunctioning of the system. Store all components in such a way that they cannot be contaminated.


1. Remove the protective cover.

2. Unplug the water level sensor connector. Detach the water level sensor by turning it anticlockwise and drain the filter over a receptacle.

3. Fit the water level sensor. Plug in the connector.

4. Fit the protective cover.

5. Connect an exhaust hose and start the engine for a functionality check.


The filter can contain no more than 100 ml of water. The driver is issued a warning if the amount of water in the filter exceeds 60 ml. The following message appears in the main instrument unit display: Water in fuel. Contact workshop.