Paint protector film

Paint protector film

General Information

The paint protector film may remain on the vehicle for a maximum of three months and must then be removed.

The vehicle's production date is indicated on the vehicle card (422 means week 42 day 2).


Removal of the paint protector must be performed within the temperature range from 0 to +35 °C, preferred temperature is +20 °C. If the body and the ambient temperature is higher than +35 °C, park the vehicle in the shade or cool with water until the body has reached a suitable temperature.


In high temperatures adhesive residue may stick to the paintwork.

The paint protector film must be removed at least 48 hours before customer viewing in order that any swelling has time to go back to normal.

1. Remove the paint protector film at the corners. Only hands may be used, no tools

2. Grip the paint protector film and hold with hands as close to the bodywork as possible.

3. Pull at a steady rate in parallel with the bodywork, do not jerk .

4. Wash the vehicle with water and wipe it dry

5. Check that that no adhesive residue is left. Adhesive residue is removed with petroleum spirit (low-aromatic petroleum hydrocarbons) or Isopropanol (Isopropyl alcohol). Use these fluids in moderation and not for too long.

When the paint protector film and any adhesive residue have been removed there may be swelling in the paint. This is normally temporary and disappears within 48 hours.