Cylinder Head Removal

Cylinder Head Removal

1. Remove the 10 cylinder head bolts as shown in sequence.

Discard the bolts.

2. Remove the cylinder head (1).

3. Remove the cylinder head gasket (2).

4. Clean all of the gasket surfaces.

5. Use the following procedures when cleaning the cylinder head and cylinder block surfaces (3):


Do not use any other method or technique to clean these gasket surfaces.

Use a razor blade gasket scraper to clean the cylinder head and cylinder block gasket surfaces. Do not scratch or gouge any surfaces.


Be careful not to gouge or scratch the gasket surfaces. Do not gouge or scrape the combustion chamber surfaces. The feel of the gasket surface is important, not the appearance. There will be indentations from the gasket left in the cylinder head after all of the gasket material is removed. These small indentations will be filled in by the new gasket.

Use a new razor blade for each cylinder head and cylinder block.


Do not use a tap to clean the cylinder head bolt holes.

Hold the razor blade as parallel to the gasket surface as possible.

6. Clean the old sealer/lube and dirt from the bolt holes.

7. Clean the fastener holes with a nylon bristle brush.


Wear safety glasses when using compressed air in order to prevent eye injury.

When cleaning the cylinder head bolt holes, use a suitable solvent in spray form. Use a compressed-air cleaning pistol with an extra long nozzle to reach the bottom of the holes.