Crankshaft Balancer Installation (LDK, LHU)

Crankshaft Balancer Installation (LDK, LHU)

Special Tools

EN-38122-A Crankshaft Balancer Holder

EN-43653 Flywheel Holding Tool

EN-45059 Angle Meter

EN-48585 Crankshaft Balancer Guide

EN-48953 Camshaft Actuator Locking Tool

For equivalent regional tools, refer to Special Tools (LDK, LHU) .


Ensure that the two components are correctly aligned. Otherwise the engine can be seriously damaged.

Install the balancer (2) onto the EN-48585 guide (1). Use care to properly align the keyway and flats on the balancer with the oil pump drive.

2. Install the crankshaft balancer into the end of the crankshaft.

3. Refer to Fastener Caution .


EN-43653 flywheel holding tool may be used instead of EN-38122-A crankshaft balancer holder to prevent crankshaft rotation.


Always install a NEW crankshaft balancer retaining bolt.

Install a NEW retaining bolt. Use EN-38122-A holder (1) and a breaker bar to prevent the crankshaft from rotating, and tighten the bolt to 100 Nm (74 lb ft) plus 125 degrees using the EN-45059 angle meter .

4. Install EN-48953 locking tool (1) and tighten the bolts into the cylinder head to 10 Nm (89 lb in) .

5. Release the timing chain tensioner by applying 45 Nm (33 lb ft) counterclockwise torque to the crankshaft balancer bolt.

6. Remove EN-48953 locking tool .