Oil Consumption Diagnosis

Oil Consumption Diagnosis

Checks Causes
DEFINITION: Excessive oil consumption (not due to leaks) is the use of 0.946 L (1 qt) or more of engine oil within 3 200 km (2,000 mi).

The causes of excessive oil consumption may include the following conditions


External oil leaks-Refer to Oil Leak Diagnosis .

Incorrect oil level or improper reading of oil level indicator

Let the engine run a few minutes while the vehicle is parked on a level surface. Let the oil run out of the system (2-3 minutes) and check that the engine oil level is correct.

Incorrect oil viscosity

Refer to the vehicle owners manual and use the recommended SAE grade and viscosity for the prevailing temperatures.

Continuous high speed driving and/or severe usage

Crankcase ventilation system restrictions or malfunctioning components

Worn valve guides and/or valve stems

Worn, missing or improperly installed valve stem oil seals

Piston rings broken, worn, not seated properly

Allow adequate time for rings to seat.

Replace worn piston rings as necessary.

Piston and rings improperly installed or miss-fitted to the cylinder bore