Windshield Washer Pump Replacement (Sedan)

Windshield Washer Pump Replacement (Sedan)

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedure

Remove the front wheelhouse front liner. Refer to Front Wheelhouse Front Liner Replacement .


Windshield Washer Pump


1. Disconnect the windshield washer pump electrical connector.

2. Disconnect both windshield washer pump hoses from the washer pump.

3. Drain the windshield washer solvent container into a clean suitable container.

4. Using a small flat-bladed tool, remove the windshield washer pump seal from the windshield washer solvent container and inspect the seal, replace if damaged.

5. Using a small flat-bladed tool, remove the windshield washer pump from the windshield washer solvent container.