Engine Coolant Heater Combustion Chamber Temperature Sensor Replacement

Engine Coolant Heater Combustion Chamber Temperature Sensor Replacement

Removal Procedure

1. Remove the engine coolant heater housing cover. Refer to Engine Coolant Heater Cover Replacement (Housing) Engine Coolant Heater Cover Replacement (Housing Cover) .


When removing the engine coolant glow plug, note cable assignment in wiring harness plug of add-on heater control.

Remove the engine coolant heater chamber temperature sensor cable connector pin (1) from the engine coolant wiring harness (2) with a suitable tool (3).

3. Remove the engine coolant heater chamber temperature sensor (1) and the glow plug shell bracket (2).

Installation Procedure

1. Refer to Fastener Caution .

Install the glow plug shell bracket (1) and the engine coolant heater chamber temperature sensor (2).

2. Install the engine coolant heater chamber temperature sensor cable pin (1) to the engine coolant wiring harness (2).

3. Install the engine coolant heater cover. Refer to Engine Coolant Heater Cover Replacement (Housing) Engine Coolant Heater Cover Replacement (Housing Cover) .