Mobile Telephone Control Module Scan Tool Information

Mobile Telephone Control Module Scan Tool Information

The mobile telephone control module scan tool data parameters list contains all mobile telephone control module related parameters that are available on the scan tool. The list is arranged in alphabetical order. A given parameter may appear in any one of the data lists.

Mobile Telephone Control Module Scan Tool Data Parameters

Parameter System State Expected Value Description
Operating Conditions: Ignition ON

Battery Voltage


11-14 V

The scan tool displays V. This is the current battery voltage.

Bluetooth Signal Strength


0-20 dB

The scan tool displays the wireless devices (Bluetooth) reception field strength.

GSM Signal Strength


-113 to -51 dBm

The scan tool displays the Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) signal strength.

Microphone Signal


1-16 V

The scan tool displays the voltage level of the microphone power supply.

Phone Cradle to Vehicle Status

Cradle is connected


The scan tool displays the different aspects of the cradle status.

Cradle is not connected


Phone in Cradle

Phone in Cradle


The scan tool displays the status if a phone is connected in the cradle.

Phone not in cradle


Mobile Telephone Control Module Scan Tool Output Controls

Output Control Description
Audio Tone

This output control is used to command the Mobile Telephone Control Module audio tone enable or disable.