Coolant leak from cylinder head

Bulletin Nbr: 260-1966
Date: ........... JuneĀ 1998
Market: all
Coolant leak from cylinder head

Cars affected

All M94- with 4-cylinder engines


It is often difficult to localize a coolant leak correctly, as the coolant will spread over a large area. It can therefore appear as though the leak originates from the cylinder head gasket, despite the leak being in a completely different place.

This Service Information contains tips on the areas to inspect in the event of a coolant leak, especially if the cylinder head gasket is suspected as being the cause.


Check coolant hoses and hose clamps between the radiator and the thermostat housing as well as between the thermostat housing and the heat exchanger. In addition, the thermostat housing gasket and intake manifold gasket must be checked. Proceed as follows:

1. Connect cooling system tester 30 05 477 together with a suitable adapter and pressurize the cooling system to 1.2 bar.

2. Use compressed air to blow dry and use a mirror, for example, to inspect for leaks in the coolant hoses (A, B), the thermostat housing gasket (C) or the intake manifold gasket (D).

Release the pressure.

3. Leaking coolant hose: Check the condition of the hose and the hose clamps. Fit new ones if necessary and tighten the hose clamps.

Leaking gasket: Fit a new gasket.

4. Pressurize the cooling system once more to 1.2 bar and inspect for leaks. If coolant is leaking from the cylinder head gasket then fit a new one.

Warranty conditions

Standard warranty conditions apply.