General fault diagnosis advice

General fault diagnosis advice

1. The data link connector is located under the dashboard next to the steering column.

2. Obtain readouts and note stored diagnostic trouble codes before the battery and eventually the control module is disconnected.

3. If communication cannot be established between ISAT and the system, first check fuse 2 and that there is power to the fuse.

4. Then check the leads between the theft alarm control module connection pin 2 and the data link connector pin 8.

5. Also check the power supply and that correct ground is achieved in the data link connector, and make sure that the connector pins are undamaged and are properly secured.

6. Diagnostic trouble code lists with all possible trouble codes can be found on page .

7. In order to avoid damaging the control module/components, always check that the ignition is turned off before unplugging the connectors.

8. Always check that the control module ground connections and supply voltages are correct.

9. In some instances, it may be wise to unplug the connectors to check that all connections and pins are undamaged and are properly plugged in. Restore the connections and erase all diagnostic trouble codes. If possible, activate the alarm and check if the malfunction/trouble codes still exist.

10. Since all signals round the 12 V level are proportional to battery voltage, the signal levels should only be used as guidance.

11. The 0 V signals indicate ground but could give indication of a detectable voltage on a sensitive multimeter.

12. Never switch from one unit of measurement to another (e.g. from V, via I to ohms) on the meter without first disconnecting the instrument test leads.


On completion of fault diagnosis, always clear the diagnostic trouble code memory with the command "CLEAR FAULT CODES".