ABS hydraulic unit

ABS hydraulic unit


1. Remove the steady bar secured between the suspension struts.

2. Unplug the connector and the electric leads under the black plastic cover secured with a torx screw. Also disconnect the ground cable.

3. Unscrew the brake pipe connections and plug the holes.

4. Remove the three nuts securing the hydraulic unit to the bracket. If necessary, remove the power steering fluid reservoir to improve accessibility.

5. Lift out the hydraulic unit.


1. Fit the hydraulic unit in place and tighten the three nuts.

2. Screw the brake pipes in place.

3. Plug in the electric leads and connector, reconnect the ground cable and fit the plastic cover over the wiring.

4. Refit the power steering fluid reservoir if it was removed.

5. Fit the steady bar between the suspension struts.

6. Bleed the brake system (see ).