

The battery is of 12 V type with a capacity of 60 Ah.

The battery is located in the engine bay on the left- hand side and its negative terminal is connected to ground (negative-ground system). The battery contains sulphuric acid and must therefore always be kept upright.

Points to bear in mind when handling the battery

1. Take care to connect the battery cables correctly. If the cables are connected wrongly for only an instant, this will suffice to damage the rectifier in the alternator.

Therefore, always connect:

the positive battery cable (red) to the positive (+) terminal of the battery

the negative battery cable (blue) to the negative (-) terminal of the battery.

When connecting an external current source, such as another battery, to the car's battery:

always connect positive pole to positive pole

always connect the negative pole to ground.

2. Never connect or disconnect the battery while the engine is running.

3. When boost-charging the battery, disconnect both battery cables.


The battery contains acid.

4. Always wear rubber gloves and goggles when doing any work where there is a danger that battery acid might be splashed.


If battery acid splashes into your eyes, rinse them immediately in running cold water for at least ten minutes.

5. Make sure that the battery is always kept upright and horizontal. The acid may run out and cause damage through corrosion.

6. Never place tools or other objects on top of the battery.