Data link connector

Data link connector

Fault symptom

No ISAT scan tool communication.


1. Check the ISAT scan tool connection

Connect the ISAT scan tool The ISAT scan tool display should light.

If the display lights, proceed to point 5. If not, proceed to point 2.

2. Check fuse 13.

3. Check +30 supply to the data link connector

Connect the test lamp between pin 16 in the data link connector and a safe grounding point. The test lamp should light if there is +30.

If the lamp lights, proceed to point 4. If not, check and take the necessary action on the cable assembly between pin 16 and fuse 13. If there is no fault in the cable, continue fault diagnosis in Service Manual 3:2 Electrical system. "Power supply +30".

4. Check the ground connection in the data link connector

Connect the test lamp between pins 5 and 16 in the data link connector. The test lamp should light if there is a ground connection.

If the lamp lights, check the scan tool. If not, take action on the cable assembly between pin 5 and grounding point G33S.

5. Check the ISAT scan tool contact with the theft alarm Important. The theft alarm must not be armed. Select "ANTI-THEFT ALARM". The scan tool should show the theft alarm menu.

If contact is made, the fault is intermittent. Proceed to point 8. If not, proceed to point 6.

6. Check the ISAT scan tool contact with another system

Select another system if the car is equipped with (e.g. ICE). The scan tool should show the menu for the system currently selected.

If contact is made, proceed to point 7. If not, check the scan tool.

7. Check the cable assembly

Conduct a continuity test on the cable assembly between pin 8 on the data link connector and the theft alarm control module, pin 19. The resistance should be < 1 Ohm. If the resistance is incorrect, take action on the cable assembly. If the resistance is correct, proceed to point 8.

8. Final test

Check to see if the fault symptom remains.

If the trouble persists, continue