Cold starting in AUTO mode

Cold starting in AUTO mode

If the cabin temperature is lower than the selected temperature the ACC control module activates the cold start function. If the coolant temperature is lower than + 75 ° C the air distribution goes to defrost. When the coolant temperature is above + 50 ° C the air distribution goes linearly towards defrost-floor, which is reached when the coolant temperature has reached + 85 ° C.

When starting from cold the fan current is also dependent on the coolant temperature. At coolant temperatures up to + 40 ° C the fan current is 5.5A which will then be increased linearly to max 10A at + 80 ° C. After that the fan current increases linearly to 15A , which is reached at + 90 ° C. The ACC control module returns to normal mode as soon as the cabin temperature has reached the set temperature.