Fault criteria, fuel system

Fault criteria, fuel system

If closed loop or adaptation reach an end position, the fuel system will be considered to have developed a fault.

Fault criteria for closed loop are satisfied when the conditions for diagnosis are fulfilled and the closed loop has been in the end position for more than 20 seconds.

Conditions for closed loop diagnosis

engine running

coolant temperature above 60°C (140°F).

Closed loop active

Fault criteria for adaptation are satisfied when the condition for diagnosis is fulfilled and global adaptation is in the end position.

Condition for adaptation diagnosis:

Ignition switch in ON position

1. Short term fuel trim > 25%% for 20 s

2. Fault criteria for short term fuel trim fulfilled

3. Short term fuel trim < 25%% for 20 s

1. Global adaptation > 100%%

2. Fault criteria for long term fuel trim fulfilled

3. Closed loop < -100%%