Gear selector shaft oil seal, manual transmission

Bulletin Nbr: 471-9011
Date: ........... AUGUSTĀ 1994
Market: US
Gear selector shaft oil seal, manual transmission


A new gear selector shaft oil has been introduced to solve leakage problems. In 1994-98 with manual transmissions, the seal can be changed while the transmission is in the car. Refer to the procedure below to change the seal.

Cars affected:

1994-1998 900 models with manual transmission


Selector shaft seal: 87 41 878

Installer gear shaft seal: 87 90 685


Tool P/N 87 90 685 was available for older 900 models. Check your tool room before ordering a new one from Kent- Moore.


Change the gear selector shaft seal as follows:

1. Select 4th gear and disconnect the gear shaft coupling.

2. Select 3rd gear and by using a suitable hooked tool, remove the old seal.

3. Check the surface of the shaft and remove any imperfections.

4. Starting half way down the shaft, wind a length of electrical tape around the shaft to protect the seal lip and install the new seal.

5. Using tool, P/N 87 90 685, tap the seal ensuring it is perfectly square in the housing.

6. Refit the selector shaft coupling and check alignment of the gear positions (see Service Manual 4:1, page 432-4).

7. Check/top up the gearbox oil level and test.