Manifold absolute pressuresensor
Manifold absolute pressure sensor |

Voltage at 25 kPa (-0.75 bar)
approx. 0.48
50 kPa (-0.50 bar)
approx. 0.95
100 kPa (±0 bar)
approx. 1.9
125 kPa (0.25 bar)
approx. 2.4
150 kPa (0.50 bar)
approx. 2.8
175 kPa (0.75 bar)
approx. 3.3
Pressures stated in kPa refer to absolute pressure, i.e. 100 kPa corresponds to atmospheric pressure. When checking the pressure sensor with a pressure-vacuum pump, lower voltages may be obtained when measuring at high altitude. 5 V voltage supply