Fault diagnosis, indicator and warning lamps(MIU 2)

Fault diagnosis, indicator and warning lamps (MIU 2)


SHIFT UP indicator lamp (pin 39)

TCS indicator lamp (pin 41)

TCS OFF warning lamp (pin 20)

SPORT indicator lamp (pin 23)

WINTER indicator lamp (pin 42)

CHECK ENGINE lamp (MIL) (pin 22)

CHECK GEARBOX warning lamp (pin 28)

"Door open" warning lamp (pin 38)

CHECK ACS warning lamp (pin 27)

The above indicator and warning lamps are supplied with battery voltage from the main instrument display panel (+15 circuit) and grounded in their respective systems outside the main instrument display panel.

Fault symptoms

If none of the above indicator lamps work, fuse 17 has probably blown.

Indicator lamp does not light up when activated.

Diagnostic procedure

1. If the lamp does not light up as it should, the bulb is probably faulty and must be changed. If the lamp still fails to light up when activated, check that the new bulb is OK by fitting it in place of another bulb in the main instrument display panel that does light up.

2. If the bulb is intact, check the main instrument display panel and the wiring between it and the bulb's sensor by connecting a BOB to the 56-pin connector behind the main instrument display panel (which should be connected).

3. Switch on the ignition. Ground the pin on the BOB corresponding to the bulb connection.

If the bulb lights up, there is an open circuit in the wiring between the main instrument display panel and the bulb's sensor or in the sensor. Investigate the cause and take appropriate action.

If the bulb does not light up, the fault is in the main instrument display panel. Continue with point 4.

4. Remove the main instrument display panel's rear section complete with processor card and check that all leads between the processor card and the intermediate part are securely located. If any lead has worked loose or is broken, continue on .

If the connections are OK, the fault is probably in the intermediate part with bulbs and indicating instruments. Continue on .


Indicator lamp, main beam (pin 37)

Indicator lamp, lights on (pin 53)

Indicator lamp, rear fog light (pin 52)

Indicator lamp, LH direction indicators (pin 51)

Indicator lamp, RH direction indicators (pin 21)

Indicator lamp, Cruise Control (pin 50)

Indicator lamp, EXH (pin 13)

The above indicator and warning lamps are grounded in the main instrument display panel and supplied with battery voltage from systems outside the main instrument display panel.

Fault symptoms

None of the above indicator lamps (except the EXH lamp) light up when activated.

Diagnostic procedure

1. The fault could be because the bulbs' driver stage on the processor card is faulty. Continue on .

Fault symptoms

The indicator/warning lamp does not light up when activated.

Diagnostic procedure

1. If the lamp does not light up as it should, the bulb is probably faulty and must be changed.

If the lamp still fails to light up when activated, check that the new bulb is OK by fitting it in place of another bulb in the main instrument display panel that does light up.

2. If the bulb is intact, check the main instrument display panel and the wiring between it and the bulb's sensor by connecting a BOB to the 56-pin connector behind the main instrument display panel (which should be connected).

3. Switch on the ignition.

Supply the bulb with current, using the BOB, by connecting pin 15 to the corresponding pin to which the bulb is connected.

If the bulb lights up, there is an open circuit in the wiring between the main instrument display panel and the bulb's sensor or in the sensor. Investigate the cause and take appropriate action.

If the bulb does not light up, the fault is in the main instrument display panel. Continue with point 4.

4. Remove the main instrument display panel's rear section complete with processor card and check that all leads between the processor card and the intermediate part are securely located. If any lead has worked loose or is broken, continue on .

If the connections are OK, the fault is probably in the intermediate part with bulbs and indicating instruments. Continue on .