Symptom: CHECK GEARBOX indicator lamp on. The system's emergency operation program has been activated.
P1830 |
Fault symptom
CHECK GEARBOX indicator lamp on. The system's emergency operation program has been activated.Condition
The car's speed is higher than 25 km/h and the last gear shift took place more than 5 seconds ago. The difference in rpm should then not be more than 3%% and no longer than 1 second.Diagnostic help
The control module calculates the relationship between input and output shaft speeds. This relationship is determined by the ratio of each gear. The fault indicates a mechanical failure, but first check grounding points G2, G4, G25 and G33S/P before starting to carry out mechanical fault diagnosis. Wear in the transmission could be the cause of harsh gear-shifting and failure of the lock-up function.Diagnostic procedure
1 Check the fault symptoms

Check the problem by driving the car as shown in the road test schedule, see

Does the fault symptom persist?
yes |
Proceed to
and then continue with point 2.
no |
Continue with point 2.
2 Final check

Clear the diagnostic trouble code. Drive the car on test at varying engine loads and speeds so that upshifts and downshifts through all the gears, with and without kick-down, are performed. Obtain readouts of any diagnostic trouble codes that are generated.
Does the diagnostic trouble code recur?
yes |
no |
The remedial action taken was correct.