Drive position
Drive position |

Information on the current gear position, P-N or R-D-3-2-1, is sent from the transmission control module pin 11 to the engine control module.
The Motronic 4.1 (4-cyl.) receives the signal on pin 86, the Motronic 5.2 (6-cyl.) on pin 69 and the Saab Trionic receives the signal on pin 14.
When shifting from N to any of the gear positions R, D, 3, 2 or 1, the transmission control module puts B+ on pin 11. Otherwise the voltage is 0 V. This is to inform the engine control module that a gear position (forward or reverse) has been selected. The engine control module then ensures that the idling speed is compensated for the change in load.
Idling speed compensation is achieved by the engine control module opening the idle air control valve wider than normal so that a constant idling speed can be maintained. In the event of no signal being received, engine idle speed will drop below 900 rpm (4-cyl.) or 800 rpm (6-cyl.) when DRIVE is selected and then slowly rise to normal idling speed.