Pressure monitor

Pressure monitor

In hot-climate markets the AC system is fitted with two pressure switches.

To remove

1. Remove the grille.

2. Drain the AC system of refrigerant.

3. Unplug the connector and unscrew the three-stage pressure switch (A).

4. Hot-climate markets: Unplug the connector and unscrew the pressure switch (B).

5. Plug the openings in the AC system.

To fit

1. Hot-climate markets: Lubricate a new O-ring (C) with synthetic vaseline and fit it in place on the receiver. Screw the pressure monitor (B) in place and plug in the connector.

2. Lubricate a new O-ring (D) with synthetic vaseline and fit it in place on the receiver. Screw the three-stage pressure switch (A) in place and plug in the connector.

3. Fill up with compressor oil, carry out vacuum pumping of the AC system and fill up with refrigerant.