Glass sunroof

Glass sunroof

To remove

1. Open the sunroof to expose the screws securing the cover moulding.

2. Remove the four screws securing the cover moulding.

3. Close the sunroof.

4. Loosen the rear of the cover moulding by undoing the clips, one on each side, and pulling towards the centre of the car.

5. Remove the cover strip over the screws on the left-hand and right-hand sides. It is secured by clips.

6. Remove the six screws securing the glass sunroof.

7. Lift away the glass sunroof.

To fit

1. Fit the sunroof in position.

2. Fit the six retaining screws.

3. Adjust its alignment in the roof, one side at a time. 0 to 1 mm at the front and 0 to + 1 mm at the rear.

4. Tighten the retaining screws.

5. Fit the two cover strips over the screws.

6. Open the sunroof slightly, allowing the cover moulding to be fitted in place.

7. Fit the cover moulding in place, close the sunroof and press its clips into position along the outer edge.

8. Open the sunroof slightly and tighten the four retaining screws.

9. Close the sunroof.

10. Check the operation of the bonnet-release mechanism.