Symptom: None
P1416 |
Symptom of fault
There is less than 10 litres of fuel in the tank when any of the following diagnostic trouble codes is generated: P0170, P0171, P0172 P1170, P1171, P1172 P0300Diagnostic help
Diagnostic trouble code P1416 is not a fault in the literal sense.If there is less than 10 litres of fuel in the tank and a fault occurs which may be due to the low fuel level, diagnostic trouble code P1416 will be generated to indicate the cause and so prevent unnecessary fault diagnosis.
. Intermittent faults may occur as a result of occasional short circuits and breaks in the wiring. Jiggle the leads and in-line connectors at several places and in different directions to reveal faults in the wiring harness. Observe the multimeter, ISAT scan tool or test lamp while carrying out this check.
Diagnostic procedure
1. Check other diagnostic trouble codes in the Trionic system

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Obtain readouts of all diagnostic
trouble codes using the ISAT scan tool.
When any of the following diagnostic trouble codes is generated, the reason is probably because the fuel level was low at the time.
• P0300
• P0170 - P0172
• P1170 - P1172