Radiator fans
Radiator fans |
The car may be equipped with either a single-speed or two-speed radiator fan.
The speed of the single-speed fan is somewhere between the two speeds of the two-speed fan.
The low-speed relay is connected to pin 12 and used to control the single-speed fan and speed 1 of the two-speed fan.
The high-speed relay is connected to pin 9 and used to control speed 2 of the two-speed fan. This will be recognized by the extra resistor mounted close to the fan motor.
The ICE module starts and stops the radiator fan by grounding the relays when the preprogrammed coolant temperatures are reached.
If the car is equipped with A/C and the pressure in the A/C system is 15 bar, the pressure switch on the receiver closes. The ICE module then grounds the low-speed relay, which starts the radiator fan.
In certain hot-climate countries an extra pressure switch is mounted on the receiver, which closes at 22 bar.
The ICE module then grounds the high-speed relay, causing the radiator fan to run at its highest speed.

After-running of the radiator fan occurs on speed 1 and the ICE module monitors the coolant temperature for 20 minutes after the ignition has been switched off. During this 20-minute period the fan may be switched on for a maximum of 3 minutes.
