Diagnostic trouble code generation, CHECK GEARBOX and CHECK ENGINE
Diagnostic trouble code generation, CHECK GEARBOX and CHECK ENGINE
The diagnostic trouble code's fault status determines whether the CHECK GEARBOX lamp should be on or off. If the fault status is P the lamp should be on and if it is I the lamp should be off. In the example under fault handling in the transmission control module this means that the CHECK GEARBOX indicator lamp • lights up during the drive cycle when it has been decided that the fault is present • goes out when the ignition switch is first turned to the OFF position and then to the ON position, with subsequent idling •lights up during the next drive cycle when it has again been decided that the fault is present. During the second trip, when the same fault has again been detected, the transmission control module sends a CHECK ENGINE request to the engine control module. The control module should then cause the CHECK ENGINE lamp (MIL) to light up. If no appropriate diagnostic trouble code is stored in the engine control module, the two indicator lamps light up and go out simultaneously.