

Bulb 2 in the SRS symbol, burnt out, open circuit in the wiring or short circuit to ground (bulb connected to control module pin 1).

Cars without central warning lamp

1. Make a note of the diagnostic trouble code and then clear it. Switch the ignition off and on again, wait for at least 40 seconds with the ignition switched on and check to see whether the diagnostic trouble code recurs. If it does, it is a permanent fault. Proceed to point 2.

If it does not, the fault is intermittent.

Leave the ignition switched on and jiggle the connectors and wiring to check for an open circuit/loose contact. Note whether the SRS lamp starts to flash again. If it does, check to see whether the diagnostic trouble code has recurred.

2. Unscrew the steering wheel airbag and unplug the connector at the back of the airbag. Connect reference resistor 84 71 153 to the connector.

On cars with a passenger airbag, remove the glove box, unplug the connector on the underside of the passenger airbag and connect reference resistor 84 71 153 to the connector.

If one lamp flashes and one comes on continuously after ignition turn-on, proceed to point 5.

3. Switch on the ignition and test bulb 2 by entering the commans "TURN ON SRS2 LAMP" on the ISAT scan tool. The lamp should then come on for 3-4 seconds twice in succession.

If the lamp does not come on, proceed to point 4.

If the lamp comes on, proceed to point 5.

4. Change the bulb. Switch on the ignition and enter the command "TURN ON SRS2 LAMP" on the ISAT scan tool. The lamp should then come on for 3-4 seconds twice in succession.

If the lamp does not come on, proceed to point 5.

If the lamp comes on, clear the diagnostic trouble code. Switch the ignition off and then on again, wait for at least 40 seconds and check to see whether the diagnostic trouble code recurs.

5. Switch off the ignition and open the connector behind the fuel gauge in the main instrument unit. Open the connector at the control module and check the function of the short circuit contact between pins 1 and 3 in the connector.

Connect a BOB to the connector. Take a resistance reading across pin 8 of the connector at the main instrument unit and pin 1 on the BOB at the control module.

If the resistance is high, check the wiring between the main instrument unit and control module for open circuit/contact pin slide-out.

Rectify the fualt and proceed to point 6.

If the resistance reading is low, take a reading across pin 1 on the BOB at the control module and a good grounding point. If the reading obtained shows low resistance, there is a leakage to ground.

Investigate the cause and remedy the fault.

If the resistance reading is high, proceed to point 6.

6. Plug in the connectors, switch on the ignition and clear the diagnostic trouble code. Switch the ignition off and on again, wait for at least 40 seconds and then check to see whether the diagnostic trouble code recurs.

If the diagnostic trouble code recurs, continue fault diagnosis as described in Service Manual 3:5 under main instrument unit . If the fault persists, proceed to .