No or poor cooling

No or poor cooling

Check the following before you start fault diagnosis:

that the compressor drive belt is intact and does not slip.

that the flow of air through the air ducts to the indoor interior is not obstructed.

that the flow of air through the condenser is not obstructed.

1. Cars with manual AC: Start the engine, press the AC button and start the ventilation fan. Cars with ACC: Press the AUTO button.

2. Open the bonnet and check whether the compressor starts up within one minute.

3. If the compressor is operating, check that the low pressure line is cold (2- +7 ° C). If it is cold, proceed to point 4. If the compressor does not start, the fault is electrical. Proceed to point 5.

4. If the low-pressure line is cold, check the functionality of the air-blending flap. If the low-pressure line is not cold, connect a pressure gauge as described in .

5. Remove the grille and unplug the 4-pin connector of the three-stage pressure switch. Connect pin 1 to a good ground. Proceed to point 7 if the compressor starts. If the compressor does not start, check fuse 19 in fuse holder 22A in the dashboard and fuse 5 in fuse holder 342A in the engine bay. If these fuses are intact, proceed to point 6.

6. Check the AC relay (156) on position J in relay holder 342B by connecting a jumper lead across pins 30 and 87. If the compressor still fails to start, check that battery positive is applied to pin 30.

7. Check the resistance across pins 1 and 2 of the three-step pressure switch's male connector. The resistance should be less than 1 ohm. If it is, proceed to point 8. If it is not, connect a pressure gauge as described and check whether the pressure is higher than 2 bar. If it is, change the pressure switch. If it is not, there is probably too little refrigerant in the system.

8. Connect the ISAT, contact ICE and read any trouble codes. Deal with trouble code B1311 if it has been generated. Then select the ISAT command "AC ON" in the activate menu and check that the compressor starts. Cars with manual AC: If the compressor starts, check the circuit between pin 64 of the ICE control module (AC input) and the AC button. Also check the circuit's power supply. If the compressor fails to start, continue with point 9. Cars with ACC: If the compressor starts, contact the ACC, obtain readouts of any trouble codes and rectify them. If the compressor fails to start, check the wiring between pin 38 of the ACC control module and pin 64 of the ICE control module for continuity.

9. Contact the engine management system with ISAT and select the ISAT command "AC ON" in the activate menu. Check that the compressor starts. If the compressor starts, remove the glove box and check the operation of the anti-frost thermostat. Also check the connecting leads from pin 11 of the ICE control module (AC output) and to the AC input of the engine management system. If the compressor does not start, carry out fault diagnosis between the engine management system's AC output and pin 2 of the pressure switch's female connector.