Before changing a radio-cassette, CD changeror amplifier

Before changing a radio-cassette, CD changer or amplifier

When all checks have been conducted as per the action program under each fault diagnosis and no fault has been detected, it is natural to assume that the radio/CD player/amplifier is faulty.

Having regard to the fact that the radio/amplifier/CD changer is an expensive, high-quality component, it is important to make sure as far as possible that the diagnosis is correct.

Therefore, go through the following points very carefully before definitely pinpointing the radio/amplifier/CD changer as the cause of the fault.

1. Make sure once again that all points in the diagnostic procedure have been covered or that all the checks in the fault diagnosis schedule of the code in question have been carried out.

2. Study the wiring diagram of the circuit in question and make sure you understand how it works. Relevant parts of the technical description and the electrical principles of operation described in Service Manual 3:2 "Electrical system, wiring diagrams" may be of assistance in this respect.

3. Check all grounding points. If you have already done so, do it once again.

4. Check the power supply and the fuses for the radio/amplifier/CD changer.

5. Check to make sure that contact pin slide-out has not occurred in the unit's connectors.

6. Go through the points covered in .

7. If the original fault persists in spite of this, the radio/amplifier/CD changer will have to be repaired.

8. In markets where a repair system is in operation for repairing the radio/amplifier/CD changer, the units should be sent to CLARION SERVICE for repair. Before this is done, all necessary details should be entered on the "Warranty Report" on .

Separate warranty information contains detailed instructions and CLARION SERVICE addresses.