Changes in version 2.
The old site, which we did not create but took over, had many problem, some of them serious. These have been corrected by re-creating the whole thing from scratch, converting the files under the Windows WIS.
Serious problems
- 9-3 NG (9440) Diagnostic Trouble Code pages (DTCs) were missing. This is one of the most popular Saabs, and some of the most needed information. These are now listed in a single page for easy searching. (DTCs for other models are in the related sections. The 9440 is different, for some reason.)
- FaultTrace Mode was missing. Many DTCs, but not all, have step-by-step instructions, now linked from each page.
- Several whole models were missing: the 9-4X, the 2010 9-5 NG (9650), and the 2003 9-3 NG (9440). The 9-5 OG (9600) extended into model year 2010 so it appeared in place of the NG, but probably got you to the wrong car. Ditto the 2003 9440, which overlaps with the 2003 9-3 convertible (CV) of the older generation. So 2003-only things for this model were simply missing.
- Hundreds of links were broken. We have fixed all the broken links, and repaired some that don't work even in Windows, that were broken from Saab.
Nice to have
- In-line images. Instead of the obscure left-arrow icon
to show related diagrams (displayed in the left pane in Windows), we now include a smaller image in-line with the text. It wasn't obvious to everyone that there were diagrams, or that you could or should click on those arrows. Clicking on the thumbnail gets you the full-page version. The thumbnails alone are sometimes enough to see what you need.
- SVG vector images. In most places, clicking on the thumbnail gets a vector image. Vector files do not lose detail as you zoom in.
Inside track
- Some URLs unnecessarily duplicated section names. These have been simplified.
- Many pages pointed directly to raw WIS pages in "/docs", bypassing the site wrapper.
- For compatibility with existing links stored elsewhere, the above changes have Redirects to the new locations.
- Topics were listed in alphabetical order. These are now in the native order that the WIS presents them.
- Index pages used pagination. They can now be used just by scrolling.
- Pages with several subsections were presented as an index (folder), but all the links went to the same page. This unnecessary extra click is now gone.
- Half a dozen Shockwave Flash animation files were rescued from oblivion by converting them to simple videos: f811d093 planetvaxel common rail dieselmotor kardan 6-vxlada
- Hundreds of other images were not found, and links to them removed.
- Internally, the site was inefficient. It depended on Wordpress, and overloaded nested WP Post categories (in the tens of thousands) to get the theme to create the index pages, needing WP Multisite just to serve what is after all only static content. v2 relies on Apache, a little bit of CSS, and nothing else. The basic content doesn't even require Javascript.
Reporting problems
Please email reports to wis@saabclub.comMon May 20 10:57:08 CDT 2024 jxh